Sustainability –
Why is it so important to us?
Sustainability is at the forefront of everything we do.
Promoting Sustainable Maintenance Solutions.
Our grounds team uses battery-powered and low-impact machinery, incorporating mulching decks, to reduce unnecessary green waste and lessen our carbon emissions. Where possible, the use of hand tools are also encouraged.
We also group our maintenance visits to save on unnecessary travel emissions.

Benefits of Mulching
Each of our mowers are fitted with a mulching deck, which allows the cuttings to be mulched back into grass rather than the need to collect.
As a result of mulching, we have found our open spaces to be healthier, greener and had reduced the need for supplemental watering during the warmer months.

It seems to me that the natural world is the greatest source of excitement; the greatest source of visual beauty; the greatest source of intellectual interest. It is the greatest source of so much in life that makes life worth living.
David Attenborough

Becoming Carbon Neutral.
Welsh Estates are currently on a journey to becoming a carbon-neutral organisation. We have already implemented numerous strategies throughout the business, with our staff and offices through to our grounds teams and suppliers, to help reduce our carbon footprint.
Read our Sustainability Report to find out how we are promoting awareness throughout the organisation in addition to how we are offsetting our emissions.